DARWIN Éco-Système
87, Quai des Queyries

Laure holds a PhD in International Economics (SciencesPo, Paris) and graduated as well from the French agricultural engineering school, AgroParisTech. Her dual academic background allowed her to adopt a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to development issues.
Before joining VertigoLab in 2023, Laure worked at IFAD (United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development) in the elaboration and implementation of rural development and natural resources management projects in different regions of the world. She has also contributed to numerous evaluation studies assessing the economic, social and environmental impacts of development programs.
During her career, she had the opportunity to collaborate with various and numerous partners, such as ministries, local authorities, producer organizations, international cooperation agencies and national and international research institutes.
Her fields of expertise include, among others, agriculture, agroecology and the evaluation of public policies.